Friday, December 31, 2010

10 Achievable New Years Resolutions (GREEN ones)

For me, New Years Resolutions are all about self improvement - I don't start diets, or quit bad habits, why wait for a New Year to do that?  But I do promise myself: This year, I am going to learn a new language (it was French, and all I will say is, I tried . . .) or this year, I will volunteer my time (soup kitchen!  and I had a lot of fun and met some great people!).   I have one lined up for this year too, but more about that in the next blog, instead, here are some things you can try in 2011 to be a bit more green at home:

  1. Stop buying bottled water - did you know it takes 26 litres of water to make 1 litre of bottled water, and 25 litres of that water is polluted int he process?
  2. Switch to an organics lawn maintenance program.  We put so much pressure on our farmers to use earth friendly fertilizers and insecticides, why don't we do the same?  We may not eat our grass, but the our rainwater runoff pollutes our ponds, rivers and streams with the chemicals we use.
  3. Fix leaking taps and running toilets, water is not a renewable resource.
  4. Plant a tree and if you can't, plant a window box!
  5. Give up two degrees this winter, I bet you will barely notice the change!
  6. Support local farmers.  Keep green spaces in your community, reduce the distance from farm to table, you will benefit too.
  7. Switch from disposable razors to electric ones.  Disposable razors are not earth friendly.
  8. Stop receiving unwanted catalogs.
  9. Give up paper (and plastic) - take a trendy tote to the store instead and finally . . .
  10. Give up hot water - at least in the washing machine.  Many 'green' detergents actually produce the same results at lower temperatures, and are kinder to the environment at the same time so you accomplish two things at once!
I wish you all a happy, prosperous and most importantly, healthy 2011!

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