Saturday, February 26, 2011

March Madness!

I love this term - you see it everywhere in the papers in March, whether you are buying an iPad or a car or just taking a trip to the grocery store, March Madness promises discounts, deals, and special offers!  But that's not why I love it.  I love it because it is the MOST apt description for this season.

Well-weathered after the winter, we are hanging on by a thread sanity-wise.  A snow storm depositing only a few inches can push us over the edge after feet and feet of snow all winter.  But one little ray of sunshine, and a day of high 40's and it is a different scene entirely.  It's not just us, mother nature is the same, consider the phrase 'mad as a March hare' and you can immediately relate to the image of a wall-eyed rabbit twigging-out at the prospect of a few warmer days, some sunshine and somewhere to put his feet where there isn't snow. 

The definition of madness is: great folly, fury, rage, temper, enthusiasm.  The definition of March is: going from great folly and enthusiasm to temper and rage then back again!  March is named for Mars,  so it's no small wonder, and the much quoted Shakespear line 'Beware the Ides of March' is full of wise forboding.  

So, in March I feel the countdown truly begins.  Spring is in the air, the ground is softening and soon the planting and sowing will begin.  Not long now, we can make it.  Are we there yet?

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