Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Princess and the Matador

Once upon a time there was a princess, she was unassuming to look at, but she had a big heart and was mild tempered, she was also gentle and sweet.  One day, a matador came to town, he came from the Chioggia's, a long line of matadors with an outstanding pedigree.  Chioggia was in town for a bull fight!  He was strong, bold, had a well defined character and was very brave.  The princess caught his eye, and he fell instantly in love - he knew any beet with his tops still on would know there was more to her than met the eye, she had a beautiful heart.  He thought she was radishing!

Chioggia decided he had to get her attention and gain her favor.  Although he was striking to look at, he knew the best he had to offer, was in his heart too and she deserved nothing less. 

He didn't realize that the princess had already been admiring the handsome beet, and when they finally met, it was a match made in heaven.  They clicked immediately!  They truly brought out the best in each other soon became inseparable, appearing everywhere together.

Not long after, they were married, the bold brave beet and his radishing princess, both with beautiful hearts.  They lived happily ever after as king and queen of the root kingdom.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, I am commenting on my own post, but I wanted to let you know that I know its corny. And silly. But so what, sometimes we need a litte fun in our lives, right?
