Thursday, January 27, 2011

Surviving Snowflakes!

Do you remember the conversation your mom had with you when you were little and the kids at school were being mean?  The one where she says 'don't worry honey, don't let them get to you - if they don't get the reaction they want, they will soon get bored and find somebody else to pick on' . . .

Well, that is how I feel about the snow.  It is being mean, and it is picking on me . . . us!  I mean, REALLY!  One storm is romantic, two is still somewhat fun, but one a week is losing its charm.  I have enough snowy photos for ten years worth of Christmas cards - and we built a snowman bigger than us - look:

Yes, my daughter is actually sitting on 'his lap' and those are russet potatoes for eyes - not sure where his rainbow carrot nose is at this point but there you are.  I know others out there agree, that we are kinda out of snow-day ideas.

Back to my point, I think I am going to take my mom's sage advice and refuse to give the mean snow the reaction it is looking for.  Instead, I am going to celebrate these days because after all, taking some down time is not the worse thing to do and I have been told that shovelling your drive burns 1500 calories which makes me feel even more justified in suggesting that we do something decadent, indulgent and delicious with our afternoon.  I am suggesting BAKED PEARS!  With a dollop of Marscapone cheese: 
  • 4 D'Anjou pears
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Dash of salt
  • Dash of ginger (or cinnamon)
  • 1 1/2 tsp grated lemon rind
  1. Heat oven to 325 deg F (slow to moderate)
  2. Wash the pears and cut a think slice from the blossom end (don't you love that term, I think all bottoms should be called 'the blossom end') - this is so they will stand easily - leave the stems on
  3. Place pears upright in baking dish
  4. Mix remaining ingredients together and pour over pears
  5. Bake uncovered for about 1 1/2 hours, or until pears are tender.  Baste syrup over pears occasionally while cooking
  6. Enjoy!
Maybe, just maybe, if we punctuate these storms with a little celebration, the snow will get bored and go pick on somebody else.  It's worth a try . . .

1 comment:

  1. Did you see that link about playing eye spy with all things white ... made me think of this ... LoL ... saw someone poach pears subsituting syrup and water for white wine ... mmm makes the days somewhat bearable (sp?), one glass for the pot, and one for the Mom ;-)
